We are following some simple steps for export the Nav application objects:
1. Open Windows PowerShell ISE and Load Nav Development Shell Command.
In Start Menu Just search Windows PowerShell ISE and open it.
Now you will see below screen.
Now to load Nav development shell command into Windows PowerShell ISE just run below command then you access all function and command which are available in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Model.Tools.Module.
Command :- Import-Module “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\80\RoleTailored Client\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Model.Tools.psd1" -force
Run its command by using Run Scipt(F5) {Tools - Run/Continue}.
Now we will see how to Export and Split Nav Objects.
2 Export Nav Object using Windows PowerShell.
We used below cmdlet for export.
Command - Export-NAVApplicationObject
Syntax - Export-NAVApplicationObject FilePathwithName -DatabaseServer 'ServerName' -DatabaseName 'DatabaseName' -Filter filters -LogPath 'Log File Path'
FilePathWithName - The path and file name to which you export objects. This parameter is required.
Exp - D:\SP\Source\Tables.txt
ServerName :- The Name of the database server on which you want to run the command.
Exp:- dell-pc (Localhost)
DatabaseName :- The database in which the objects that you want to export.
filters :- A filter on the Objects Table. following table shows the fields in the objects table on which you can filter,
Log File Path :- The path for the file that contain error messages that result from the command, if there are no error come at run time then log file not created.
By Default, the file named naverrolog.txt and is located in same location as finsql.exe.
Now run the below command for export objects form specified Database.
Export-NAVApplicationObject D:\SP\Source\test\Table.txt -DatabaseServer 'dell-pc' -DatabaseName 'ePuma-LocalDev' -Filter 'Type=Table;ID=1..10' -LogPath 'D:\SP\Source\test\' | Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Destination D:\SP\Dest\

After run it command show the below screen.
Now can check specified path "D:\SP\Source\test\" in command then you found a txt file with specified name (Table.exe)
3- Split
Splits a text file that contain two or more objects into separate text file for each objects
Split-NAVApplicationObjectFle [-Source] <String> [[-Destiation] <String>] [-Force] [-PassThru][-PreserveFormatting]
Use that command to split a text file that contains more then 2 Nav application Objects into separate text file for Nav application objects. for example if you are export table 36 and table 37 to a single text file such as Table.txt., you can use the split command to create separate text file like as TAB36.txt and TAB37.txt.
It's command first export the objects in source location and after then splits and save in destination Location.
Example - Now we want to export Tables 1 to 10 with separate txt file.
Export-NAVApplicationObject D:\SP\Source\test\Table.txt -DatabaseServer 'dell-pc' -DatabaseName 'ePuma-LocalDev' -Filter 'Type=Table;ID=1..10' -LogPath 'D:\SP\Source\test\' | Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Destination D:\SP\Dest\
come the below message after successfully run the command.
Now check you source path and destination path now created the Table.txt at source path and separate file are created at destination path.
1. Open Windows PowerShell ISE and Load Nav Development Shell Command.
In Start Menu Just search Windows PowerShell ISE and open it.
Now you will see below screen.
Now to load Nav development shell command into Windows PowerShell ISE just run below command then you access all function and command which are available in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Model.Tools.Module.
Command :- Import-Module “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\80\RoleTailored Client\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Model.Tools.psd1" -force
Run its command by using Run Scipt(F5) {Tools - Run/Continue}.
Now we will see how to Export and Split Nav Objects.
2 Export Nav Object using Windows PowerShell.
We used below cmdlet for export.
Command - Export-NAVApplicationObject
Syntax - Export-NAVApplicationObject FilePathwithName -DatabaseServer 'ServerName' -DatabaseName 'DatabaseName' -Filter filters -LogPath 'Log File Path'
FilePathWithName - The path and file name to which you export objects. This parameter is required.
Exp - D:\SP\Source\Tables.txt
ServerName :- The Name of the database server on which you want to run the command.
Exp:- dell-pc (Localhost)
DatabaseName :- The database in which the objects that you want to export.
filters :- A filter on the Objects Table. following table shows the fields in the objects table on which you can filter,
Object table field
Table, Codeunit, Page, Report,
XMLport, Query
Integer or range of integers
Any valid object name
"Name=Purchase Header"
yes, no, 1, 0
yes, no, 1, 0
Date, in the numeric format
determined by your regional settings
Time, in the numeric format
determined by your regional settings
Version List
Any valid version
"Version List=NAVW17.00"
Any valid caption
Yes, no, 1, 0
Locked By
Log File Path :- The path for the file that contain error messages that result from the command, if there are no error come at run time then log file not created.
By Default, the file named naverrolog.txt and is located in same location as finsql.exe.
Now run the below command for export objects form specified Database.
Export-NAVApplicationObject D:\SP\Source\test\Table.txt -DatabaseServer 'dell-pc' -DatabaseName 'ePuma-LocalDev' -Filter 'Type=Table;ID=1..10' -LogPath 'D:\SP\Source\test\' | Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Destination D:\SP\Dest\
After run it command show the below screen.
Now can check specified path "D:\SP\Source\test\" in command then you found a txt file with specified name (Table.exe)
3- Split
Splits a text file that contain two or more objects into separate text file for each objects
Split-NAVApplicationObjectFle [-Source] <String> [[-Destiation] <String>] [-Force] [-PassThru][-PreserveFormatting]
Use that command to split a text file that contains more then 2 Nav application Objects into separate text file for Nav application objects. for example if you are export table 36 and table 37 to a single text file such as Table.txt., you can use the split command to create separate text file like as TAB36.txt and TAB37.txt.
Now we want to export the some filtered objects with the separate txt file, then we can use the both command with "|".
Export Comand |Split Command
.- Export-NAVApplicationObject FilePathwithName -DatabaseServer 'ServerName' -DatabaseName 'DatabaseName' -Filter filters | Split-NAVApplicationObjectFle [[-Destiation] <String>]
Example - Now we want to export Tables 1 to 10 with separate txt file.
Export-NAVApplicationObject D:\SP\Source\test\Table.txt -DatabaseServer 'dell-pc' -DatabaseName 'ePuma-LocalDev' -Filter 'Type=Table;ID=1..10' -LogPath 'D:\SP\Source\test\' | Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Destination D:\SP\Dest\
come the below message after successfully run the command.
Now check you source path and destination path now created the Table.txt at source path and separate file are created at destination path.
Thank You.